Corporate Style Guides

Make your corporate identity easier in your workplace, by having a corporate style guide. A corporate style guide is a simple booklet that catalogues the specific colours, fonts, logos, taglines etc of your brand. Having all this information recorded in one spot allows for you to maintain your brands consistency.

brand book, also known as a corporate style guide, serves as a crucial document for any business aiming to make a lasting impression. Let’s explore what a brand book does and why it’s essential:

  1. Defining Brand Identity Consistently:

    • A brand book sets specific guidelines for maintaining brand identity across all external and internal communications.
    • It focuses on several key elements:
      • Logo Usage: How the logo should be displayed, its variations, and clear space around it.
      • Color Palette: The approved colors that represent the brand.
      • Typography: Guidelines for font usage in various contexts.
      • Image and Photo Manipulation: How brand images should be treated (e.g., filters, cropping).
      • Tone of Voice: The desired style and language for brand messaging.
  2. Ensuring Consistency:

    • By adhering to the brand book, everyone—from designers to marketers to sales teams—communicates consistently.
    • Whether it’s a social media post, a brochure, or a billboard, the brand’s visual and verbal elements remain cohesive.
    • Consistency builds trust and reinforces brand recognition.
  3. Benefits of Having a Brand Book:

    • Professionalism: A well-crafted brand book elevates the brand’s image and professionalism.
    • Efficiency: It streamlines decision-making by providing clear guidelines.
    • Alignment: All team members understand the brand’s essence and can align their efforts accordingly.
    • Differentiation: A consistent brand stands out in a crowded market.

In summary, a brand book ensures that your brand’s DNA—from visual elements to messaging—is accurately represented across all touchpoints.

Graphic Design service at Ziggi’s Print & Signs, Loganholme, will follow your Corporate Style Guide or Brand Book to the letter, to make sure any assets created demonstrate the guidelines set out by your business to maintain brand quality.